When advised by Tim Yeaman, Manager of City Services, that the Cosmopolitan Lodge Sign at little Red River Park had been vandalized with black spray paint, it didn’t take long for a Prince Albert Cosmopolitan work crew headed by Cosmos Norman Hill and Morris Hesje, to dig out the sanders, paint brushes, hammers and nails and restore the three signs at the Park. Only one sign had been vandalized, but all three were in need of freshening up. There are three signs at the Park – One at the west entrance, one at the south entrance and the sign at Cosmopolitan Lodge.

Time and weather had taken their toll on the signs and they needed a complete make over. As many as 10 Cosmo members took time from their summer activities and over the course of two weeks, sanded off old faded paint, repainted background and lettering, repaired shingles that had blown off over the years and replaced foundation logs.
The Cosmopolitan Club of Prince Albert has had a long relationship with Little Red Park and the City of Prince Albert. In 1971 the first Cosmo Lodge was constructed just in front of the present-day Lodge. In 1987 the Prince Albert Cosmopolitan Club donated $100,000 towards playground equipment and camp kitchens. A lot of hours were spent aiding in constructing play ground equipment by the Club. In recognition of our contribution the City named the area Cosmopolitan Place. In 2004 the Club shared the $750,000 construction cost of the new Lodge 50/50 with the city. Today a renovation of the Lodge is underway and the Knotty Pine Bistro located in the building will be opening soon.
During the past 50 years the Cosmopolitan Club has donated well over $800,000 to the Park when inflation is taken into account.
The Cosmopolitan Club of Prince Albert continues to support Prince Albert and area. In the latest year we have donated $10,000 to the Rose Garden Hospice. $7,000 to the Victoria Hospital Foundation, $5,000 to the Mont St. Joseph Foundation plus many other donations in support of our community.