We had guests Allison Nagy and Jessica Gale from Mont St. Joseph Home at our weekly meeting at the Cosmo Lodge on Wednesday.
Allison and Gale brought us up to date on the back ground of Mont St. Joseph and what is happening as part of their ongoing fundraising efforts to improve the lives of the 120 residents they care for.
The Home cares for residents aged 20 to over 100 in an environment meant to make the “guests “feel at home. From secure “neighbourhoods” to areas that network with a day-care and student volunteers from the adjacent high-school the focus is on what the resident “can do” as opposed to what they can’t!
Through-out the year they have several events to bring awareness to the City and raise funds for specific needs. This year, our Club was approached by Cosmo Guy to become involved in the Monty Curling fun-spiel again and become a Platinum sponsor in raising funds for a Bladder Scanner to make life easier for residents at the Home. This was approved by members and President Art Presented Allison and Gale a cheque for $5,000.
Our Club has been a long-time supporter of this facility donating over $30,000 and we are proud to support its efforts to improve the lives of people with-in our community.
Cosmos Norman, Frank, Archie and George represented the Club on the ice.