HAPPY 79TH BIRTHDAY - One of the first really nice days of spring and a great turn-out at Cosmo Lodge for a birthday party!
President Merv introduced our Western Canada Governor, Angela McFalls as well as our many other guests. After the introductions,
President Merv had Cosmo Richard light the candles on the birthday cake and Angela made the first cut.

Greetings were brought to our Club by Angela McFalls, our Western Canada Governor, who expressed her thanks for the work our Club does. She noted that with the new members we have gained this year we are the largest Club in the Federation. Angela thanked our Club for our participation in conferences and looks forward to seeing us at the W.C.F. in Saskatoon as well as the International Convention in Kansas City. The staff at the Lodge prepared a wonderful meal as always and were thanked by our President.

The Prince Albert Barveenok Dancers made an appearance and proceeded to show us several different dances from the Ukraine.
Our Club was thanked for the ongoing support we give to the dance club
A special thank you must go out to Cosmo Claire and Ann for arranging the evening's festivities.