Governor Debra Down visited the Prince Albert Cosmos on the occasion of their 80th anniversary. They gathere
d at the Cosmo Lodge in Littler Red River Park on a beautiful evening. Debra took the opportunity to update the Cosmos and their guests on activities taking place at the Western Canada Federation and International level. Some items were:

- Develop an education component to assist Clubs
- Encourage guests to attend our meetings with the possibility of them becoming members
- Continue to support Club Runner as a means of communicating locally and internationally
- Cosmo Club in Saskatoon is now all inclusive and invites men and women to join. Not just husbands and wives
- International convention in Chicago will discuss how to build and keep members. Recommend that members find their "niche" and for Clubs to be flexible in their meeting schedules.
- International needs more Canadian content on their website. An article on our 80th Birthday would be an excellent example.
- Everyone was invited to join her at the International Convention in Chicago and she assured us that there would be lots of activities
The Metis women at
the Lodge cooked up their usual delicious supper.

Cosmo Claire organized the evening gala which also included dancers from the Performing Arts Warehouse. The young folks entertained everyone following the meal for half an hour.