A guest speaker and two other guests! It was great to see Dave Towers and Morley Harrison joining our meeting to-night to hear Keith Goulet talk on "Indian Lands".
Keith is originally from Cumberland House and has h
ad a varied life, from spending time on the trap line as a youth to being an educator, Member of Provincial Parliament, university graduate and is now working on his PHD on Indian lands. If that is not enough, he is a very good curler, as many Cosmos Curlers will personally will vouch for.

Keith gives much of the credit for his strong belief in education to his parents, who always encouraged their children to achieve and succeed. His work ethic was developed by working for his parents in the local Co-op and their Family restaurant. Among some of his achievements, he has been the Minister of Northern Affairs, Taught Cree at the University of Saskatchewan, worked as a developer of NORTEP (Northern Teacher Education Program), 1st Aboriginal to become a member of Parliament, has achieved a B.A., M.A., and is working on his P.H.D., worked on the Charlottown Accord and much more.

Keith feels that for Aboriginal peoples, education is key for future development with-in their communities. During his time as an educator, post-secondary education attendance has gone from 4 students in 1965/6, to over 4000 to-day. He also is an advocate for equal funding of education in the north.