Cosmo Ryan Cody introduced our guest speaker Sergeant Casey Howey, with Saskatchewan Conservation.
Sergeant Howey spoke tonight on rural security as well as the expanded role of Conservation Officers and their roll in assisting other law enforcement agencies.  With the large areas to be covered in Saskatchewan, from the south to the northern isolated areas, it is just not feasible to have several different agencies working separately any more.  To this end, the RCMP, City and Municipal Police Forces and Saskatchewan Conservation officers, are going to be assisting each other where ever possible.
As a result of this joining of forces, whichever agency is nearest to a problem can and will be able to assist the people of our Province.  Response times to calls should be decreased and a visual presence will be enhanced.  Officers will be given Special Constable Status with guns, be trained similar to RCMP recruits, including training for domestic abuse, mental health, alcohol and drunk driving, plus much more!  Sergeant Casey emphasized that this is a positive change to law enforcement with faster and more effective response times to problems.  This change is a first for Canada and he foresees this model expanding across the country. 
Sergeant Casey was thanked by new member and former Conservation officer Cosmo Daryl, who presented Sergeant Casey with a gift from our Club.
President Merv welcomes Daryl Rowland into the Cosmopolitan Club as our newest member on April 4th. Daryl first met most of the Cosmos in his curling activities. He joined them in a fundraising Bonspiel to support the Mont St. Joseph Seniors Care Home.
Daryl is the third person that President Merv has welcomed into the Club this year.