Ryan Cody invited Dave Mulhall and Peter John to speak with us and introduced them following our meal. Dave started by talking about the Neighborhood Watch program they and others in the Midtown area of Prince Albert were actively involved in. A key part of the program is to make residents more aware of who is in their area, from neighbors to transients. By being aware of who is or is not part of the neighborhood allows residents to be able to notify the police if something is out of place or if something is going on that shouldn't be.

The program was started in May of 2017 and is starting to see positive results. A committee was formed to fund raise for motion sensor lights, reflective vests, flashlights and to hire private security to patrol during times when residents are not able to. Organizing residents and instructing them on proper procedures to ensure safety is a high priority.
Neighborhood watch also works in conjunction with SCAN (Safer Communities and Neighborhoods) to help co-ordinate positive results. This unit monitors suspected areas of trouble with video and surveillance to gather evidence of gangs, drug dealing and crime in general. Many houses are owned and rented by absentee landlords who have little interest other than the rent received each month and do not care what is happening on their properties. SCAN has the ability to charge offenders as well as the landlord.
Cosmo Art thanked our guests and Cosmo Archie presented them with a thank you gift.