The venue was the Prince Albert Wildlife Federation building, the meal was roast moose with oven roast potatoes, battered pickerel, choice of two salads, a vegetable mixture, fresh warm buns and a strawberry white cake with icing up to one inch (2 centimeters) thick for dessert with coffee after. This was the start of our Jack Hadley Wild Game supper and NEW MEMBER NIGHT!
President Merv gave a history of Jack Hadley and gave a reason why guests should become Cosmo members. He encouraged them to join and carry on the tradition of Cosmopolitan International by supporting our cause to support Diabetes Research and become involved with our community. The strength of our Club is the involvement of members and the friendships that come with that involvement.
Cosmo Norman Hill spoke about our long history of community work including Camp Tamarack, Mont St. Joseph, Carmen Court, Victoria Hospital through its Foundation, the Art Hauser Hockey Center and the Rawlinson Center for the Arts.