For over thirty years Cosmos have adopted the Camp as a special project in which to provide labour and material. Camp Tamarack exists to provide a camping experience to children with learning problems. The children need some schooling throughout the summer so as to keep up their education. The two month summer break is too long for them. The Camp morning lessons provided by teachers helps them maintain the progress they gained at school, while councilors supervise the afternoon’s normal camping activities: swimming, canoeing, camp fires and generally enjoying the outdoors in a forest. It is expensive for parents, often who are single to send their children, in the neighbourhood of $1,800 for the three week stay; so the Cosmos sponsor one child every year.
Cosmos original work began with the construction of two cabins more than three decades ago. Every year from early spring to early fall Cosmos make the 20 KM trek to work at the Camp.
The Camp Board approaches the Cosmos each spring with a list of projects to keep their facility maintained and up to date. The club members decide which projects they can take on and possibly fund. One member volunteers to become project coordinator and schedules the work and if necessary delivery of material to the Camp. Cosmos carpool to the site and commence their work. At times a Cosmo will become a chef and fire up a barbecue to provide hamburgers or hot dogs for lunch. During the 1900s and 2000s Cosmo Barry Read took on this duty, serving the lunch with his famous large black oven mitts. Other times the Camp chef will be onsite and will cook lunch for the crew. The work is completed before the Camping season or following it so as not to interfere with the children’s camping experience.
The work done at the Camp ranges from construction of cabins, decks, sheds, playground equipment, shower and washroom building to benches around their campfire site. Total monetary value of the Cosmos donations not adjusted for inflation over the 30 years amounts to nearly $100,000.